
Griya Yunika, an exclusive homestay with Traditional Javanese touch, provides you pleasant experience to stay. Bringing the concept of serviced homestay, you are pampered with the impression of local culture and the hospitality. Also, Griya Yunika has a high quality and luxurious facilities for your memorable experiences. We present a nostalgic memory for you, who are longing for the Kampung environment, that rarely seen nowadays. Located in Wirobrajan, a small district of Yogyakarta, but very rich of culture, history and friendliness, is the perfect place for your getaway. Griya Yunika has 2 main houses with 8 unique rooms in total, with strong touch of Javanese and the natural ambience is designed only for your comfort.

How to get to Griya Yunika

Griya Yunika, an exclusive homestay with Traditional Javanese touch, provides you pleasant experience to stay. Bringing the concept of serviced homestay, you are pampered with the impression of local culture and the hospitality. Also, Griya Yunika has a high quality and luxurious facilities for your memorable experiences. We present a nostalgic memory for you, who are longing for the Kampung environment, that rarely seen nowadays. Located in Wirobrajan, a small district of Yogyakarta, but very rich of culture, history and friendliness, is the perfect place for your getaway. Griya Yunika has 2 main houses with 8 unique rooms in total, with strong touch of Javanese and the natural ambience is designed only for your comfort.

CS Griya Yunika
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